Immerse yourself in a rejuvenating facial experience that goes beyond mere skincare, offering a holistic approach to release deep-seated tension and stress, often reflected in the face. Our specially crafted blend of essential oils and nourishing seed oils works synergistically to alleviate aches and pains stemming from the back, neck, and shoulders, while promoting deeper breathing and a profound sense of calm.

As the therapeutic oils work their magic, releasing tension and instilling a sense of tranquility, the rejuvenating energies of the essential oil blends gently cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin, unveiling a radiant and healthy glow. This transformative journey continues with the application of Bhumisparsha’s clay mask, meticulously crafted using the finest Indian clays bursting with natural goodness, further heightened by the addition of hydrolats.

As the mask works its wonders, drawing out impurities and infusing the skin with vital nutrients, a deep sense of peace and tranquility envelops the senses. Beyond the tangible benefits of glowing, revitalized skin, this facial journey offers a profound sense of inner harmony and well-being, leaving you feeling replenished, restored, and deeply nourished from the inside out. Embrace the transformative power of this holistic facial experience, as you embark on a journey towards total rejuvenation and inner radiance.